Sunday, April 15, 2007


I am trying not to use slang so often because I am polite in more cases.If I need to use it, I mostly use it with my friends because they don't correct me and sometimes we aren't aware that we are using it.The problem is when we don't distinguish the difference between the slang and common speech.
I totally agree with statement that definite the slang:"Slang is a kind of language that identify you with the group that you belong to."
I think that every man has his own way of speaking and his own slang.I know that there is queen's language and it is very formal, but queen is also a human being and there is no way that she has never used slang.We have heard that Bush used it in private talks and there is nothing new about it.
I didn't know that slang means a secret language.I think that is more important advantage of it. As we could hear, we can use it in markets or in every kind of institutions where secret codes are needed. So, why don't use slang?Maybe, some of as wants to work in army.Using slang, we can work as secret agents in CIA or White House.Why not?
As long as we use slang in speaking, that is OK, but we have to be careful not to use it in writing. For example, when we say something stupid and we want to correct ourselves, it is easier when we are talking because the written word can be misunderstood. And that is beginning of our problems.
I think that hosts from BBC did a great job by emitting this kind of clip. He made us laugh and that was his aim.I think that he tried not to use the real slang because he didn't call this guy an "asshole" but "douchebag" like that is more polite.I am not surprised by his using of slang because this is a joke and he can use as more of it as he wants.

Monday, April 2, 2007

My experimental phase

When you gave us this topic, I told my friends: ‘OK. I’m not going to write about this because I don’t have anything to say’. I can say for myself that I was always a good kid. I have never been on drugs, I’ve never changed my hair so dramatically and the most embarrassing thing is that I’ve never skipped over my classes at elementary school. But, reading over my diary I found out that I had one stupid phase in my life.
It was in elementary school and the biggest problem at that time was how to attract a very popular boy. I tried everything. But the dumbest thing was that I tried to become another person, one who will make his dreams came true I was trying to join the group of popular ones, to dress like they did, to listen the music of popular group that I didn’t like. It was very difficult to adapt to that kind of ‘society’ because you couldn’t have your own opinion about a certain thing. You just had to think like others did. At that time, I didn’t know I was loosing myself and living my life in a body of another person.
I think that we all had this kind of a phase. In elementary school, we are trying to form a little bit of our personality and to become a special human being, to be unique. That is the period when we meet a lot of people and we are trying to find as much friends as we can to be ‘popular’ in our way. We aren’t considering other options; we are just trying to get what we want. That is our best weapon to go through the future and to be accepted by others.
I can’t say that I regret about my past. I had my bad and good moments like everyone did. I should be grateful because I found out more about myself. Now, I don’t have to be popular to be loved. I can be who I am and have the most wonderful man at the same time. Finally, my dreams came true.
Definitely, I can’t compare my phase with Curly Oxide’s phase. I wouldn’t have the courage to confront my parents on my tradition. But he didn’t do anything bad. He just tried to explore his options and to find his own personality.
Maybe, that is the only way to figure out that those things that we have in our lives are the best or the worst possible ones for us.

Friday, March 23, 2007

This picture was taken on the first year of my faculty. I was sitting with my friends at a coffee bar. Till this moment, I didn't know that I had so many thoughts on my mind. Someone would say :''You look very confused and worried, probably you had a very bad day''. But I didn't. I had just passed my exam ad I looked like a lunatic. This strange look has been following me since the day I was born.
I always have some questions on my mind like : ''What's going to happen tomorrow''?How am I going to finish my faculty?Is this the right choice? The more I try, the more I'm desperate in attempt to get rid of these thoughts. But it is impossible, because it is a part of my personality. It is easier for me to look like this, the person who has no self-esteem. I am hiding behind this shadow and it is the only way for me to function in this world.
To write about my pictures and myself is like reading depressive book with strange characters, full of confusion and concerns. So, this the best possible way reason to stop writing.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I totally agree with his statement: ''And I eventually would conclude that I was a good teacher, that it wasn't me who was the problem but a culture of young people who were born and bred to sit back and enjoy the spectacle that engulfed them''. Most of people or students are not interested in anything. They find that professors can't be amusing because of their profession. It is a kind of disease for the most of students in Bosnia and Herzegowina to find more fun in places where you can't learn anything. It is easier to play some video games or watch TV than to read a good book. That's why our vocabulary is on a very low level.

I think his most powerful argument is :''What's more, they were conditioned by an overly nurturing, hand-holding educational system not to take responsability for their own actions.''
Many students think they have some kind of ''nanny'' who will take care of them, hold their hand and carry them through their lives.That's why professors need to give more challenges to the students and to awake their research spirit.

Sometimes,my colleagues and I have funny statements about some lessons we have to learn.We are expecting to have all prepared for our exams and we are not trying to find new literature , some new information.We are constantly talking about the improvement of our educational system,but we are doing nothing to change it.Definitely, we are passive creatures like the generation X.

''I would learn that this was a classic case of people who could dish it out, but who couldn't take it...'' Some people are giving more advices,but actually they can't get the fact that they're the ones who desperately need advice. Those people are convinced that their choice is the best possible one and they can't admit that we all do mistakes, or have some troubles.The best way to face our problem is to admit it.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

homework for monday

I think that Lamott is quite confused person and her sentences aren't in an order.I agree with most of her arguments especially those that are compared with something.

''The right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker tape most of the time.''

This sentence is all about inspiration, and it is often connected with writer's feelings because the writer is not always ready to write and express his thoughts.He needs a little time to concentrate or he just needs a new environment.Students are having big problems with inspiration, e.g they have two hours to write an essay and they are under a big pressure to finish it.My favourite part in her essay is:

''...and the critics would be sitting on my shoulders, commenting like cartoon characters.They'd be pretending to snore or rolling their eyes.''

I have already said on lecture that they are like audience and they are just telling you that you aren't capable to write or even to think.You are another stupid creature and maybe writing is not for you.Sometimes students have this problem on their lectures because most of their colleagues are nervous when they have to say something.They find you aren't intelligent enough to speak about some problems or you aren't modern enough.Some questions are taboo for you.

I have some doubts about her statement:''Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts.''Sometimes it is not true.E.g. the writer has an idea to write a new book,he has a remarkable thought that is going through his head and he just wants to share it with others.
Maybe the first sentence of the book is the best possible one for someone.

I can just congratulate her on metaphors.Her essay is much more powerful by comparing one thing with another.